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If you are confused, don't worry, we have included some information about the basics of the LGBTQ+ community:

Gay: Man feels sexually attracted to another man

Lesbian: Woman feels sexually attracted to another woman

Bisexual: Woman or man is attracted to both men and women

Pansexual: Any gender is attracted to all genders

Asexual: One is not attracted to any gender

Queer: One is confused and generally is still trying to figure out what catagory they are under (Note: this is a slur and not very popularly used)

Transgender: One who doesn't feel like their gender assigned at birth and switched to opposite gender.

Non-binary: One who does not classify as either a female or male

Gender fluid: One who may feel more like a boy one day and a girl another day

Gender Queer: One who may be confused about what gender they feel like